This has been a particularly tough week at the de Grom household and I came across this blog while reading another blog. The story told addressed how many times in the past week I came up short on what to pray, other than, ‘God’s Will Be Done.’ Reading this particular blog reminded me that indeed God is good and I’ll never be left in the cold and alone.

Verve Ministries

If we will be about the Father’s business, we will find His agenda is always good. There is ease, joy and serendipity moments. His timing is impeccable, and His heart for the one beyond measure.

Simply put, God is good!

I dropped my 6-year-old off at school headed home. As I drove, I had a fleeting thought that I should head straight to our local hardware store to purchase a padlock we needed for our new gate.

‘Odd,’ I thought. ‘I’m just around the corner from home.’

In my wisdom, I kept driving towards home, thinking I would pop back home first to collect an item I had bought there the day before, which I needed to return. But, as I checked my plan with God, I sensed Him say,

‘No, go straight to there now.’

‘Odd,’ I thought again, and drove straight past my home, figuring

‘What have I…

View original post 1,477 more words

About Sheri de Grom

Retired Fed/JAG, 5 yrs. on Capitol Hill. Former book buyer for B and N. Concerned citizen of military drawdown. Currently involved in mental healthcare reform, health care strategist and actively pursuing legislative change wherein dual retirees are exempt from enrolling in Medicare at their own discretion without losing tertiary healthcare benefits. Monitor and comment on Federal Register proposed legislation involving Mental Health, Veterans Affairs, Health and Human Services, Medicare and rural libraries. Licensed OSHA Inspector to include Super Fund sites. Full time caregive to Vietnam era veteran. Conceptualized, investigated possible alternatives, authored, lobbied for, and successfully implemented Title X, Section 1095 (known as the Third Party Collection Program of Federal Insurance).
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22 Responses to GOD IS GOOD

  1. likeitiz says:

    Oh! Such a heartwarming story! Yes, there is a lot to be thankful for.

  2. Isn’t He a God of miracles ! Loved it! Thank you dearest friend !

  3. Mae Clair says:

    Bless you, Sheri. Lately there have been many times when I’ve felt the same thing in that I just don’t know what to pray. It makes me feel separated from God. At those times I am reminded of a line of verse from Maya Angelou which I have framed on my desk: “God never leaves me. In my ignorance, I have frequently thought I have left God, but that is altogether impossible.”

  4. God is Good says:

    Thank you for the privilege of the reblog. You strike me as a remarkable woman! I call forth “7 fold payback” on all stolen from you in Jesus Name! Many many blessings! God is Good!

    • I still read ‘God is Good’ every day. Your writing that I posted came to me at a time that I was rejoicing in what good fortune I was experiencing as God is indeed good. I was at the end of my rope on how to help my husband get through one more day and night of bipolar anguish and then friends dropped in. They walked through our door and I felt as though tons had been lifted from my shoulders and I could actually regroup. Your post came across my screen that same evening and I knew I must share your message, for indeed, God is Good.

      • God is Good says:

        Well … thank you again for that privilege!
        Isn’t it amazing when we can see God’s hand in the little things, like someone coming at just the right time as in your situation … or as for me recently, on the 16th year anniversary of my father’s death, a dear friend who lost both her parents in a car crash last year, “just happening to” call me to say hello, when I was feeling a little sad … I still miss him … it’s the little kisses from a loving God that are so very dear. I love the wonders, the miracles, the healings, the “oh wow” moments … but many times over it’s His gentle kindness that resonates.
        I trust your week has, or is, starting well.
        God is Good!

  5. Sheryl says:

    My thoughts are with you. Take care.

  6. sue marquis bishop says:

    Sheri , thinking of you this week. May the coming week have more peace for u both. Sue

  7. Sheri, it saddens me to think of you in crisis. Please know that there are many of us out here who keep you in our prayers (such as my prayers may be:) and I know an angel will be standing watch over both of you. I am thankful for so much this time of year … and friends like you is at the top of my list !!!

    • Florence – Thank you my friend. I wouldn’t say we are in crisis as my prayers were answered. I’ve ‘asked’ for so much in prayer this year – I often believe I’m taking away from the time of others far worse off than I am. Tom continues to be very ill and its been a year now and we still have zip for answers. Hugs to you my friend and here’s to the day when we’ll relax with a fine cup of our favorite coffee drink in hand and talk the day away. Sheri

  8. ksbeth says:

    i’m sorry it’s been such a challenging week for you and isn’t it amazing how things cross our paths at just the right time, exactly what we need, exactly when we need them?

  9. Really sorry it’s been a tough week, I’m sorry.

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